Noble Obama becomes Nobel Obama

On the 10th of october,2009, I woke up to find a shocking headline of the leading daily ‘ The Times of India’. The headline read ‘Lifetime award for debutant Obama’. Obama has been given the Nobel Peace Prize-2009. Already shocked, I rubbed my eyes to shake off my sleep. Again my dozy eyes and hibernated brain made me believe that I was sleeping. Oh no! I wasn’t. I was actually looking at some blunder which send my mind and body into insanity.

I started thinking whether the intentions of Obama were noble or Nobel. I went through the news completely to get a clear picture. I came to know that Nobel Committee’s deadline for nominations was Feb 1, just 11 days after Obama’s inauguration. He is given the Nobel Peace prize just when he is 9 months into presidency. He has made tall speeches but hasn’t deliveredĀ  anything materialistic.

I wondered then what is the difference left between a ‘Miss World title’ and ‘Nobel Peace Prize’. Both can be achieved by making empty speeches. Can a Miss World holder be a Nobel Peace Prize winner or is it the other way round? Anyway Obama was honored for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between people. I couldn’t find the above but I could see Obama declining to visit violent Dalai Lama because peaceful China sulked. I could see this award only as ‘premature’ and ‘preposterous’. I could see this award being given away to Obama for not being Bush. Bush continued his war in his second term, while Obama applied little brakes to it. Of course, that never accounted for a Nobel. From my point of view, Obama should have declined the award saying that he needed to do a lot which actually would have enhanced his reputation.

Mr. Obama, how couldĀ  you accept the award when you know that you haven’t made a real input, you haven’t made something concrete, you are still proposing…..

You shoudn’t be considering this as a recognition of youe accomplishment or an affirmation of American leadership of all nations. You shouldn’t consider this as an achievement when you are heeding to send 60,000 troops to Af-Pak region.

You said you were ‘surprised and humbled’. Of course, you should be but, you should have declined it to put concrete material into your empty speeches.

You, having accepted it, even though premature, should be considering this as an anticipatory bail- you now need to live up to it and put a performance par with Mandela or Mother Teresa.

The diplomats in America may be congratulating you but the people outside America are gasped and consider it horrible, stupid publicity stunt. Not an ecstasy in the age of reality shows.

This isn’t new to the world outside America because Arafat, Pires, Al Gore and Carter were similar recipients like you.

This will definitely create some ailments in my stomach. But before that I need to shake off my dizziness…..Oh Yes I desperately need some sleep.