TIGER WOODS….. a human being atlast

I had never thought TIGER WOODS to come to such a situation in life. I had thought that he was never a human but, a super natural talent. Thanks GOD the myth is broken.

The problem with me was that I couldn’t consider Tiger as superhuman. But he was when he was on the field. I could never understand how did he mould himself into such a precision. But the list of allegeded mistresses unfolding….I find myself at peace and moreover I am happy for Tiger that ….atlast he is also human himself. I am happy that now the general public will start considering him as a human which he might have wanted long ago when the people aropund the world started crediting him with supernatural status. Yes, we should understand that he too is a human being with all kind of desires and feelings. But yes, the feelings should be shown in a controllable manner and should not potray YOU as SEX-ADDICT.

But yes, the complete golf fraternity would miss THE TIGER for sometime……………………………….